Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu Goes Home in Grand Style


Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu Goes Home in Grand Style

Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu’s high-profile burial was a reflection of who she was during her life time and would remain the talk of the town for a very long time

The classy burial of renowned banker and stunning beauty, Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu (aka Ada Isiocha) commenced with a well-attended wake at the Grand Royal Palace of HRH Eze Benjamin Ireonu Isiocha on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

The atmosphere was electrifying and the weather so bright notwithstanding, it was in the thick of rainy season.

The all-night wake was a beauty to behold and all those present had the fun of a lifetime as they ate and drank different types of beer, wine and fruit juice to their satisfaction.

There was also non-stop entertainment galore by various live-bands and cultural groups present.

The all-night wake set the stage for the burial the following day, Friday, July 26, 2024.

The Open-Air Funeral Service was conducted by St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Amokwe Amiyi in lsuikwuato local government area of Abia State and officiated by the Bishop of Isuikwuato/
Umunneochi Diocese, The Rt. Revd. Prof. Prince Christian C. Anyim, JP, GDI.

The arena was filled to capacity with people from different parts of the nation, especially Enugu where she lived, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Anambra, Owerri, Bayelsa, Aba, Umuahia and overseas.

In his sermon, titled, “What Will You Be Remembered For”, Bishop P. C. C. Anyim paid glowing tribute to the life and times of late Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu and her immense contributions to the Church and the nation at large.

According to him, you would be remembered either for your good or bad deeds.

He described the deceased as a rare gem, a woman of extraordinary faith and a peerless role model who lived for God and humanity and urged her children to sustain her enviable legacies and continue to live in peace and righteousness.

He admonished all and sundry to live a life that pleases God adding that everyone would give account of his or her life one day.

Quoting Rev. 22:12-14, “And, Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I  am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Blessed are they that do his commandment that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city”, he urged all to surrender their life to Christ so as to be partakers of God’s Kingdom.

At the end of his homily, he prayed for the repose of the deceased’s gentle soul in the bosom of God and urged her children and the entire Isiocha’s family to bear the irreparable loss with fortitude adding that she died in the Lord.

In their speech, the children of late Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu appreciated all the family members, relatives, St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, the people of Amokwe Amiyi, in-laws, friends, colleagues and a galaxy of distinguished personalities from far and near who stood by them for their unquantifiable love and support and wished them God’s journey mercies back to their various destinations.

After the funeral service and offering, the remains of Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu were committed to mother earth in a blaze of glory.

Thereafter, the whole place turned into a carnival of sorts as the mammoth guests were treated to sumptuous cuisines, choice drinks and quality entertainment.

The children of the deceased and the entire Isiocha family did more than what other wealthy and prominent families do on such occasion.

The bereaved family also gave out expensive souvenirs to their guests such as umbrellas, trays, cups, bags among others.

In a chat with newsmen, the head of late Eze B. I. Isiocha’s Royal Family, Prince Okezie Isiocha attributed the unprecedented turn-out of their eldest sister’s burial to her exemplary life describing her as a great woman and highly successful banker whose love for the entire family members and others was legendary.

He said that she was a special gift from God adding that her death is a heavy blow to the entire family.

He lamented that he has lost a great sister, mentor and friend and comforted himself and the entire family with the fact that she lived a righteous life and now resting in the bosom of God.

He appreciated the huge crowd that identified with them during her burial and prayed God to bless them.

The colourful burial climaxed with a Thanksgiving/Outing Service at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Amokwe Amiyi, lsuikwuato on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

Born in Port Harcourt, Rivers State on June 4, 1946, Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu was the first child of the late Eze Benjamin Ireonu Isiocha and his wife, late Ugoeze Goodness Isiocha of Amokwe Amiyi.

She attended United African Mission School, Aggrey Road, Port Harcourt, Enitona High School, Port Harcourt and completed her secondary education at Cornelia Cornelly College (CCC), Uyo in the present Akwa Ibom State.

Thereafter, she joined First Bank of (Nig.) Limited formerly known as Bank of British West Africa.

In appreciation of her remarkable brilliance and new job in the then Bank of British West Africa, her elated and proud father, HRH Eze Benjamin Ireonu Isiocha of blessed memory purchased a brand new Peugeot 403 car for her.

Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu served the bank meritoriously for thirty five years and rose through the ranks.

She held several management positions at First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Enugu Main Branch where she spent so many years and retired as the Branch Manager of First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Owerri Main Branch.

During her active service, she was part of First Bank of Nigeria, Enugu Main Branch Staff Dance Group and was fondly called ‘Ojiugo’ by her colleagues because of her irresistible beauty, brilliance, sophistication and dancing prowess.

After retiring from First Bank of (Nig.) Limited, she continued to be involved in church activities and various initiatives aimed at alleviating the plight of the needy.

Her benevolence knew no bounds. She was generous to a fault and her doors were wide open 24/7 for family members, relatives, in-laws, friends and others.

She helped so many people to secure job in First Bank (Nig.) Limited and other places.

She also sponsored the education of some people at all levels and gave financial assistance to others too numerous to mention.

In recognition of her selfless service to God and humanity, St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu where she worshipped during her lifetime honoured her with the prestigious Ezinne title in 2016.

Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu died on May 30, 2024 and is survived by her five lovely children namely Onyinye Abali, Chukwuemeka Abali, Olaedo Njubigbo, Obianuju Onweluzo, Uchechukwu Abali and thirteen grand children.

She would be sorely missed by all. She was a paragon of beauty and a rallying point to many people and groups.

Though dead and buried, Nneoma Eunice Nnenne Ikwuagwu’s good deeds would never be forgotten by her family and others.

It would be told from generation to generation and her lovely children would continue to celebrate her.