Alex Otti’s One Year in Office is Magical

-Comrade Emeka Okeke (Chairman, Ekeoha Shopping Centre, Aba)

Comrade Emeka Okeke
(Chairman, Ekeoha Shopping Centre, Aba)


Alex Otti’s One Year in Office is Magical
-Comrade Emeka Okeke
(Chairman, Ekeoha Shopping Centre, Aba)

Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s achievement-laden One Year in Office has continued to attract a deluge of resounding kudos within and outside Abia State.

From all indications, the people seem to be so happy with his monumental achievements within a very short time in office and grateful to God for given them Dr. Alex Chioma Otti (OFR) as their governor.

In this delectable chat with Jideofor Ugwanyi, Signal Publisher, the amiable, indefatigable, visionary and quintessential chairman of Ekeoha Shopping Centre, Aba, Comrade Emeka Okeke said that he is “really full of joy and proud” of Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s One Year in Office.

He described Dr. Alex Otti’s performance as magical adding that he has redefined governance in the state and achieved in one year what his predecessors could not achieve in twenty four years they governed the state. Read on.

Sir, what is your take on Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s One Year in Office?
Frankly speaking, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s One Year in Office is magical. Things we never believed were possible before are now happening.

Prior to his assumption of office the state was stinking. Mountains of refuse littered the major roads and streets of Aba and Umuahia.

The roads were in deplorable state while civil servants and pensioners were owed so many months salary arrears and gratuities respectively.

Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s detractors never believed that he was going to make any impact.

But for a man who knew his mission, he was determined to rebuild Abia State from the ruins of past administrations right from day one despite all odds.

Immediately, after his inauguration, he hit the ground running at hypersonic speed. He kick-started the process of rebuilding the state by evacuating the mountains of refuse that littered the streets and roads of Aba and Umuahia.

Thereafter, he flagged of the reconstruction of some roads in Aba such as Eziukwu/Cemetery Road Phase One, Shalom Road, Udeagbala Road, Umuimo Road, MCC/Old Express Road, Emelogu Road among others.

The afore-mentioned roads were commissioned to mark his first 100 Days in Office while Old Court Road, Ehi Road and Kent Road were commissioned on Friday, May 24, 2024 as part of activities marking his One Year in Office.

The beauty of the roads done by Dr. Alex Otti’s administration is that they are delivered with drainage and streetlights.

The award of contract for the reconstruction of the long-abandoned Port Harcourt Road , Aba to Julius Berger is another milestone of his One Year in Office for which we will ever remain grateful to him.

Dr. Alex Otti has restored sanity in the beleaguered state civil service with the introduction of the Biometric Verification Exercise of workers and pensioners to enable the government to know the actual number of genuine workers and pensioners for easy payment of workers salary and gratuities. Today, the issue of bloated workforce and ghost workers syndrome in the state is a thing of the past.

Health services have also improved tremendously in the state, especially in Aba following the resuscitating of moribund health facilities, training and retraining of health personnel and regular payment of salaries.

Sanitation has received more impetus. The cities of Aba and Umuahia are now very clean and the sobriquet, ‘Aba Dirty’ is gone.

Abians have continued to enjoy peace, security and rapid development in all the sectors of the state to the extent that Abia State under his watch has become an investor’s haven, a centre of excellence, a land of vast opportunities and truly, God’s Own State.

Abia markets have also benefitted immensely from Dr. Alex Chioma Otti’s One Year in Office. Our market -friendly Governor, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti has transformed Abia markets and enhanced ease of doing business in the markets.

Again, he has promised to remodel major markets in Aba to meet international standard, to boost commercial activities as well as to compete favourably alongside other reputable markets within and outside the nation. We are very grateful to him for his tremendous love and support.

Dr. Alex Chioma Otti is a guru in prudent management of scarce resources. When you look at the meagre allocation accruing to the state and what he has done you would begin to wonder where he gets the money to execute the numerous projects in the state. That is why I call him a magic-performing governor.

He has proved by deeds more than words to be all that Abia State needs to get back on track.

He does not make noise about what he has done or use the media or sycophants to deceive the people about the things he has not done.

With his astronomical achievements in his one year in office, Dr. Alex Otti has given the people of Abia State a foretaste of what to expect in his second year.

We wish him greater accomplishments in the years ahead and pray God to grant him long life, good health and wisdom.